a Creative COLLAGE of Thoughts, Words, Writings, Lyrics, Poems, Pics, and Videos

Tami Herbst Tami Herbst

nature to nurture the Self

To believe in nature and feel comforted by nature is the question. Mother nature nurtures us no matter what with sweet aromas, warm sunshine, hydration, light energy, plants and trees, and the most beautiful sites in the world. How can we not be thankful and believe? These natural means are effective and trustworthy.  I don’t know about you, but I never heard a plant tell a lie. :0

To believe in nature and feel comforted by nature is the question. Mother nature nurtures us no matter what with sweet aromas, warm sunshine, hydration, light energy, plants and trees, and the most beautiful sites in the world. How can we not be thankful and believe? These natural means are effective and trustworthy.  I don’t know about you, but I never heard a plant tell a lie. :0 Nature is a huge part of the universe and is ALWAYS on our side. Every day. Why would we NOT trust that? The universe always provides us with what we need; it’s how nature responds. Using earthly medicines has been around for ages. Taking steps to nurture ourselves back to our authentic selves is a bold and daring challenge. The process and journey can be soothed by nature.

Nurturing ourselves is a learning process and a getting-to-know-ourselves process. My self-realizations were often hard to stomach, but I made it through. It is ongoing and we are continually transforming throughout our lifetime. As the old beliefs and emotions were transmuted, the sensation of lightness took over. As soon as I stopped putting rules and regulations and conditions on everything, my world changed drastically. As soon as I stopped living in fear and judgment, my stress melted. As soon as I released all the emotional toxins, chemicals, and blocked energies that no longer served my higher purpose, I rejuvenated with nature. Like an empty cup, I had space to fill myself with the positivity and pureness of life and the universe. I lead by the perspective that what made me, can heal me. I went back to the roots. I tended to them and made peace. I planted new seeds. I started to see the real beauty that exists. I plugged into my authentic self. I looked and felt within. I used my mind to further my self-mastery. I tapped into my energetic body and learned how to care for it. I used Nature and Nurturing to heal myself. It is possible.

Universal law and science PROVE that we are all part of the same oneness. The plants, animals, humans, energy flow, frequency, sound, particles and cells, all vibrating and held together with this magnificent force of energy. The meaning of WE is now redefined. If I am you, you are me, we are the wind and the stars and the skies; that’s pretty cool. That means anything is possible. We are like magicians creating this world and our reality. I think I just spoke natural to a whole new level. It’s not just plants and herbs and spices and old folklore anymore. This is the new norm. It’s quantum mechanics, biophysics, energy medicine, mindfulness, human evolution, our deep connection within, and infinity. So if we are all connected, why are we living so disconnected? How do we rekindle our relationship with ourselves and the world?

As I go through my continuous journey of healing, I realize that trauma, unresolved emotions, and past generational ways that passed through the birthing process  ALL affected the trajectory of my life. When I learned that my cancer was not passed on from genetics but 75 percent of unknown possibilities, I knew my life would change. Honestly, I was already looking for a change, and cancer became my friend and light in seeking a better human existence. I became reliant on learning the universal laws and the exact science behind conventional and alternative medicine. From what I can decipher, the conventional approach is simplistic cut it, get it out, medicate it, or vaccinate it.  It seems to deal with symptoms, whereas an alternative approach might deal with the root of the problem. Like a functional medicine naturopath that might use food and exercise to balance the body systems better. However, nowhere in these medical systems does it say, to process your trauma and stress, and get your mind well now so you have a chance at a quality life. My mindset, belief system, my emotions, and generational issues passed down impact our health. We are on the cusp of entertaining the idea that maybe, possibly, NATURAL modalities can tremendously improve our existence.

When I observe different medical and health approaches, it feels like politics. There are two sides; both try to be correct and feel their methods are the best. The end goal is still the same. Both are trying to help in some capacity. My perspective is that there are countless options and choices. My approach is to put them all out there and educate people so they can select what will work best for them. If we could go back in time and fly around the world on a magic carpet, we might be able to see all these options live and in person physically. I might define this as traditional medicine. Methods passed down by certain cultures and traditions. I believe these options must have worked to some degree if people are still talking about them. I think using nature to heal is a pretty positive approach. I believe the universe supplies what we need. So if it happens to be in the form of a crystal, or herbs from the plants, oils from flowers, or vegetables from the ground, I love it completely.

Yes, I like the universal laws. They feel much better than man-made laws. So if I follow any rules or regulations, it will likely be a universal law. If I want to stay out of jail, I might follow man-made laws. If you don’t know or understand universal law, here is your first homework assignment. Go read about them. They are exciting concepts. As long as you are taking time to study, add quantum mechanics and energy medicine to the list. I am not going into depth because I still consider myself a newbie in those areas. It’s not my expertise, but it sure helped me understand how I was able to heal myself naturally from cancer. 

Everyone is unique and has a journey. But in the end, it mostly comes down to the same thing. I spent years listening to people talk to me about their health goals in the fitness industry. Ten times out of 10, they ALWAYS eluded to the same sentiments, “I just want to feel good,” “I just want to be healthy,” “I want to stop taking meds,” and “I want to avoid the chronic conditions that exist within my family.” As we develop our self-mastery… SELF Leadership, SELF Expression, SELF Management, and SELF Expansion, we open up to the natural and authentic SELF. Experiencing the beauty of our self, witnessing all the other selves, and feeling that connection from within is powerful. Stepping into nature to nurture ourselves is real, and I only speak from experience. Letting nature be a teacher is a sure scientific way to feel and become whole.

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Tami Herbst Tami Herbst

Why is Love the answer for everything?

Because everyone and everything has their journey, purpose, and experience. Nothing is to be fixed because everything changes and happens within divine timing according to our desires and vibrations. The beauty within love is surrender, acceptance, release, expansion, and deliverance. When we love without condition and judgment, we are 100% letting everything evolve within this timing, within love, within each experience, and within the experience as a whole. This is holism at its climax.

Because everyone and everything has their journey, purpose, and experience. Nothing is to be fixed because everything changes and happens within divine timing according to our desires and vibrations. The beauty within love is surrender, acceptance, release, expansion, and deliverance. When we love without condition and judgment, we are 100% letting everything evolve within this timing, within love, within each experience, and within the experience as a whole. This is holism at its climax. We travel through the dark and the light, put out our desires, and the universe takes over. Understanding that we don’t have to struggle, strive to be happy and healthy, and live within this eternal love is pretty magical. We can flow through life with ease and joy. Really.

How do I know so, and what makes me the expert? Well, many people walk the walk and talk the talk and lead by example, it’s not just me. Nowadays, it seems pretty cool to talk about self-mastery and people's personal experience so we can all keep learning and evolving and help one another. It’s true that when we become selfish enough to help ourselves first, we can then be of better service in this lifetime. My journey from lack of love to self-love and spreading love helps me teach by example. Imagine what could happen to your reality and loved ones when you officially embrace self-love. I consider self-love the beginning, the authenticity of who we truly are, and the journey within to understand. When we truly love ourselves, only then do we stop looking externally for sources of love. This is when peace and change can occur as well. 

Once you have a love for yourself, life seems limitless. Anything seems possible through love, our source, the essence of who we truly are as humans and beyond. To be LOVE in every moment in time is powerful stuff. When we display love, we feel loved, and the people around us feel love. When we walk into a space and own our power and be love, it permeates EVERYTHING! (like a scalar wave… google it:) 

When we can return to this natural state of being…. LOVE…. we are vibrationally infused with feelings of passion and joy. Possibility feels real. There is a belief in the universe and infinity. We live within holism. We see our thoughts become our reality. We lead with more intention and lead the way with love, shining our inner lights to inspire change. When we embrace love, we are artworks of nature, cutting cords on everything to be free and reminded of the brightness and confidence of spirit. Leading with love looks like mindfulness, self-reflection, exploration of our song, and redirecting ourselves from the external world to the internal world. We might get confused and that’s okay. Confusion feels like disorientation. We tend to believe we see love mirrored outside of us and within other people or in our successes, that is why addiction, overconsumption, and depression occur. Looking for love externally is a 100% setup for feeling let down, disappointed, jealously, rage, fearful, abandoned, hateful, hurt, depressed, and alone…it’s simply a lack of letting in the love and being love. 

How can we get to love? Well, if we are already love, all we have to do is shed what is not allowing that love so we can see and feel it. Being with nature is a sure cure. Nature gives back without question. The sun always rises and sets. The earth keeps spinning. The moon always shows its face. The trees and grass keep growing. The oceans still have waves. The birds still come and go. The sand and salt still loofah our feet. We don’t even have to ask and it just does its job. Also, nature doesn’t critique or judge when we make choices that don’t serve our higher purpose. It all just keeps evolving, naturally. Nature seems to give us that spark that says.. “you’re worth it”… and reflects appreciation.  So get out in nature, reengage in that next rendezvous, and listen deeply instead of engaging in the feeling of needing to respond. Just be love. If we listen and pay attention to the sounds and sights, we learn nature contains itself and ourselves. There is inner regularity and the law of harmony takes over. That manifests as what we call life or the universe today within our perceived reality. Nature is the best! :)

We can also accept and surrender to the here and now. There is only one moment and a play or stories we create of the past and future that prevent us from that moment. Be present. Be in the moment. That brings us joy and a natural approach to the principle of change. The flow of life and the power of light and music are powerful factors in the “wholeness” of life. When we open up to our authentic selves and love, we find the key to life and how to live because we have clarity. A healing occurs, revealing the wholeness underneath the blockages and disruptions, such as the present pain and fear. Underneath is the TRUTH of LOVE that is within every being. We then feel free to be our authentic selves and get to living a creative and juicy life!

For clarification, rather than define love, let’s go with what love feels and looks like…. Love is when our hearts are open and we feel much gratitude. Love is when we feel the interconnection and become more caring. Love is when we eliminate boundaries and arguments. Love is when we accept, honor, and allow what is inside us. Love is what we do for ourselves. Love is how we are living and being. Love benefits our environments, helps society, and eventually, this earth on which we are allowed to live. Love is there no matter what in every moment in time without condition. 

So what is this life, who are we, why are we here, and how do we truly experience this love as a “fixit" mechanism? We are all light and sound and energy and love. So Let your soul light up and give it expression. THAT is the essence of who we truly are. Breathe in that desired life, and let that shine and permeate everything around you. Trust the process, and love your WHOLE self. Only then can we truly have a joyful existence and be helpful in this lifetime. 

I love you.

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Tami Herbst Tami Herbst

the lover in me…

When things get dark, the lover in me comes out… and I am not just talking bout sexy time.. haha. I have always thrived in problem-solving and helping others when they let me, when they might need it most. Something in me kicks in and gets in that help mode mentally and spiritually first.

When things get dark, the lover in me comes out… and I am not just talking bout sexy time.. haha. I have always thrived in problem-solving and helping others when they let me, when they might need it most. Something in me kicks in and gets in that help mode mentally and spiritually first. I have learned that a good helper is being open-minded and supportive of that person's desires. It has nothing to do with you and everything to do about them. So if you lead with love and give what you can, that is enough. Each person has their own life experience, so it seems important to still let each scenario play out and be there in the healthiest way you know how. It has been a learning process to be a cheerleader in life. To be a supporter of others when they need it most. To ooze love from every pore and be there in the thick of it with people. Witness the love, joy, and darkness that fuse and erode into the light. To stand your ground, be authentic, be love, shine your light, and not get tugged into the surrounding darkness is probably the ultimate learning curve. To be compassionate, a good listener, and authentically be with people is the juicy essence of life connection. It’s how we learn and get happier. It’s how we fulfill ourselves and lift others within the process. It’s how we see new perspectives and open up to the preciousness of life. 

I reminisce on my cheerleading and pom pom days and think to myself… what it meant to be a cheerleader back in the day? I remember enjoying the rhythms, clapping, and stunts, smiling, laughing, and dancing with the band. I remember being self-conscious in front of people but wanted to move within my body and let it all out. It was a social thing at the game and an entertainment thing as well. Behind the scenes, I remember making posters for the players and decorating their lockers. I remember auditioning each year and being very nervous about being in front of people and showing off my skill. It was learning about myself and how to navigate life and interact with people. There were some naysayers, and I remember comments about cheerleaders being unnecessary.  I remember feeling devalued and stupid. I ignored them all and just kept dancing and loving that feeling.  It was all life playing out and learning how to love, be loved, and love even better.

My cheerleader days also resemble the band family I have acquired over the past 20 years and what it's like to be an entertainer on stage. You embark on a performance in hopes that people feel good and like what you do. You hope to lift them up in some capacity, You hope to inspire. You be creative and express yourself through the actual performance. And the other half is having a relationship with the crowd, fans, social media followers, or whoever might like what you do. You are given accolades then in return, it's nice to show love back. My big learning lesson has been how to show that love. How to be open and connect and receive that love, then give it back. It has always been in me, I didn’t always know how to show or express it or was so shy and fearful that I just couldn’t. Being a cheerleader and being in a band has helped me show that love and helped polish my delivery style when showing love. 

I think we can show love in many ways. I think we are shown many versions of what people think love is or how to give it within our family unit. I think receiving love is a whole other ball game. If you have yet to practice receiving love, you miss out big time. Receiving is a learning process, just like giving. If you remain closed, then how are you to know that people love you? If you don’t love yourself, how can you know and believe that people love you? We all have baggage at some point in life and need to release it. It makes room for all this love that exists within the world and people. We are all love and connected and part of each other, so as we display love, we are loving ourselves, loving others,  and loving the universe. It’s a beautiful cycle.

I think showing love is one of the best things we can do. After all, doesn’t life revolve around love and light? I bet someone out there needs to hear those loving words, support, and encouragement right now. Do not miss a single chance -- not one single opportunity --to tell someone how wonderful they are, how special they are, how important to you they are, how incredible they are, how beautiful they are inside and out. Do not miss these opportunities. Make it your life's mission today to bring to the attention of another just how extraordinary they are. Say it. Say it. SAY it. Their heart is waiting to know that their best thoughts about themselves are true. Show the lover from within… doit now :)

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Tami Herbst Tami Herbst


I am a  visionary—a holistic lifestyle expert supporting the Human Metamorphosis Process. I think we are all just trying to be happy and feel good. When we address ourselves, life changes, which could mean, that as the world heals, the world will change, so if we seek a change of any kind, we must look at ourselves first.

I am a  visionary—a holistic lifestyle expert supporting the Human Metamorphosis Process. I think we are all just trying to be happy and feel good. When we address ourselves, life changes, which could mean, that as the world heals, the world will change, so if we seek a change of any kind, we must look at ourselves first. I will say it again but in a different way. Change happens when looking within ourselves first. Does that mean we are all broken and need to be fixed? Nope. It just means we can focus on what and who we are being instead of what we are doing. The connection to our higher self is powerful. It has all the answers. It’s like your own adult inside you that has all the answers you need. So add some meditation to your life, get connected, and see how life shifts. Follow your yellow brick road and trust your intuition.

Why am I talking about change? Because if I had never changed, I would still have cancer. Or I would have ended up not dealing with the root of what was really making me sick. The most beautiful part is that it is for good once you change. There’s no going back. It just happens that way. I like to change. I think it’s fun and exciting. I keep changing and evolving as a human. That is part of how we can fully experience our human existence. 

You could now say that I am a change expert. I am happy to take on that label. It is how I got to this moment, and wrote these perspectives. I made a choice. I made many changes. It was a spectacular journey. It’s a continuous journey. It’s never done because we can keep expanding our world with our minds. The willingness to journey forward into unknown territory was scary. This brings me to fear. What is the opposite? Calm or Confident. A big part of change is moving out of fear into the calm and confidence that helps us open up to our authentic selves. Once we are our most authentic selves, we can express ourselves freely and openly. When we are in that state of being, we are Love.  When we are love, we are deeply connected to our souls. Loving ourselves unconditionally and letting that inner light shine. That inner light shines for everyone to see and experience. When you shine, you inspire others to shine. You are now inspiring change. We are leading by example and teaching others about happiness and wellness. When you are of service in this manner, you are purposeful. You are the most helpful to others. Everyone matters. No one is exempt from this process. We can all be this. 

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Tami Herbst Tami Herbst

The “Naturalista”

How can you heal naturally? What is natural and why is it good? The answer is precisely why I speak and write about self-mastery, the mind and perspective, understanding our emotions, living holistically, and connecting deeply within ourselves. My natural ideals are nothing new. They have been around for decades and centuries. My question is… How did we get so lost from the origins of the earth and universe that we are conditioned to think modern medicine is the only solution to healing? How can we start to advocate for ourselves, research, and make decisions based on what we feel is best for us?

How can you heal naturally? What is natural and why is it good? The answer is precisely why I speak and write about self-mastery, the mind and perspective, understanding our emotions, living holistically, and connecting deeply within ourselves. My natural ideals are nothing new. They have been around for decades and centuries. My question is… How did we get so lost from the origins of the earth and universe that we are conditioned to think modern medicine is the only solution to healing? How can we start to advocate for ourselves, research, and make decisions based on what we feel is best for us? If I were to speak my brutal and honest truth, thank god for covid. It’s opening up minds and awakening our sleepy society. Yes, sadness and fear are attached to the pandemic, and loss always feels horrible. I guess it was the universe speaking very loudly because we have all witnessed major societal shifts. I feel humbled because the pandemic season has mirrored my cancer journey in many ways. Part of me feels happy because this current life season feels like an open door. Many have been silenced because they had unpopular beliefs about natural healing and the importance of holistic self-care in preventing sickness. Now people are being heard, people are listening, and people are trying to change. As a collective, are we possibly using a natural resolution to heal our nation? I like to think so.

When I was taking care of my mother, who passed from cancer, we were gifted time to have many beautiful and profound conversations that allowed me to grow into a brave human. One topic was that I wished both conventional and alternative medicines could work cohesively together to help people heal how they see fit. The idea of presenting all possible options and solutions with good results feels terrific. I am happy to report that my natural healing journey with cancer has brought many resolutions and good questions to the forefront. Creating a cancer-free body has been my bravest and most successful endeavor. I am so invigorated by all I learned that it morphed into pursuing how healthy can I get? How can I help spread health and happiness? Is it possible for me to stay youthful in my body? How powerful is the mind, and how can I use it to heal? How do I stay connected with my higher self and let my intuition and intention guide me all the time? It has been learning curve after learning curve and very adventurous! I turned into an admitted urban treehugger seeking the sunrise and sunset each day to rejuvenate. I am that girl who will mix up concoctions of essential oils, juicy plants, different shades of incandescent lights, singing bowl sounds, chants and mantras, energy enhancement devices, and consume botanicals, all to stay in alignment with my higher self. I have sought out the most “naturalista” I can be, and it feels good! So when you see me next time and comment on my glowing skin and youthful looks, know that it goes way beyond skin deep, and it is for real. Embracing and living a holistic lifestyle has been amazing! Just call me the new “soulista”.

So how did I even attain this type of perspective and living style? Yes, it has to do with the totality of my life, how I was raised, and my experiences. But with my family, the sick people around me, and my sick self, I went through significant life experiences that allowed me to see life from a different angle. I opened up to the preciousness of life and let go of all the surface ailments, thoughts, and ways of being and doing, that did not support my higher purpose or higher consciousness. I explored my mind and opened up to the possibility that I could retrain my brain. I now officially geek out on quantum mechanics, biophysics, the law of attraction, meditation, energy medicine, sound therapy, artistic endeavors, self-expression, and being of service. I will tell you that it FEELS WAY BETTER than Tami 2015. Just sayin. :) There is something about connecting with nature, being together creatively, feeling that connection from your crown chakra to your root chakra flowing with ease, and knowing that the universe has your back that completes a safe, fulfilling, and peaceful existence.

These gradual and subtle shifts are what created a life of serenity. Releasing myself from the shackles of my previous life, opening up to possibility, belief, truth, authenticity, and reconnecting with the natural earth and universe rocked my world. There was no magic pill. There was no magic serum. There was no magical exercise routine. There was no magical supplement. There was no magical superfood. There was no magical diet. There was no magical solution. It was what I was being instead of what I was doing. It was a constant connection to higher consciousness. It was an opening of the gates instead of building protective walls. It was all natural and free. I came to this “aha” after I spent $2500 on an ayahuasca retreat to have a spiritual awakening. A doctor who was participating and privy to my medical condition and tactics to resolve wished me good luck (in a nice way) in healing myself with my mind. At this point, my victim mindset was still in the works of resolving itself. I continued to heal with hallucinogenic herbs and saw how other people reacted to dark and destructive situations. The most profound learning moments have been observing how people react and what happens in the aftermath of perceived darkness. How do we use nature, release what was, transmute what was, open up to the light, and receive a full cup of “this Is how I want life to be” type of medicine?

What positivity can happen when you are diagnosed with a deadly disease? What positivity can happen when you have a chronic condition and don’t understand how to get out of it? What positivity can happen as you age and you feel a decline in youth? What positivity can happen when it feels like the human race is against you? What positivity can happen when you feel like you don’t understand life? What happens when you are born into poverty and feel like you can’t get out? What happens when you feel life has dealt you a lemon and YOU want the whole fruit basket? All these wtf and aha moments are very important, even if they feel or look minute or small. Talking about this openly and naturally resolves many issues that taint our society. We drink venom daily and don’t think twice about its repercussions or how it could impact our life or the universe. Consider a la natural a remedy to transform and catapult you and a life into complete clarity and bliss.

I am likely annoyingly here to tell you the answers are all FREE. Can you imagine a world where your mind can dictate your well-being? If you feel lost or don’t understand, I get it, and I look forward to helping us all understand. Being a “naturalista” is freedom for me and empowering to bring light to the possibility of a better existence. I look forward to a rendezvous. I look forward to feeling good. I look forward to you feeling good. I look forward to exploring more possibilities and feeling good together.

So in time my friends… i love you and cheers to a youthful existence that feels good!X

XO Tami

The “Naturalista”

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Tami Herbst Tami Herbst


Stand up. Say it out loud. Say it with love. Put it into the universe. Trust the process. Let it happen. Enjoy each moment. Know that everything is happening for good. Care about how you feel and reach for what feels good. See what happens.

Stand up. Say it out loud. Say it with love. Put it into the universe. Trust the process. Let it happen. Enjoy each moment. Know that everything is happening for good. Care about how you feel and reach for what feels good. See what happens. Meditate. Get more clarity. Put more desires out into the world and start to create the most joyous life you can imagine. Yeah, I am pretty happy these days, and life is beautiful. These are the main sentiments that resonate over and over in my mind since I chose to heal myself naturally from cancer. 

The vital lessons learned within this process have schooled this teacher into a whole new life and adventures that go beyond my wildest dreams. Living, learning, creating, connecting with myself and others, being and sending love, thankfulness, enjoying mother nature, and trusting the process have all catapulted my eternal self into a world of bliss. Yes, it’s true. Life feels different. Life feels good. Life feels abundant. I catch the sunrise and sunset every day. The water and sky have never looked so blue. The birds seem to chirp so loud, and I feel happy as they fly from tree to tree. The grass DOES look greener on the other side. The flowers seem so fragrant. Vegetables have never tasted so good. Herbs and spices have never smelled so aromatic.

In my past professional life, I had the typical mentality of a Personal Trainer. You exercise daily, eat clean, and lose weight or gain muscle to feel better. Technically, you expend more calories than you put in your body to make it happen, or you gradually lift heavier and heavier weights. I saw many people bandwagon, including myself.  This lifestyle was not fun for me. I was your typical hamster on the wheel every day, preaching and supporting the same thing that did not feel good. That’s how I was schooled, and that is what I did to live in the world and pay my bills. I had good jobs and was very independent, very capable, but very unhappy. I did not know I was so unhappy because I was also a professional emotion squasher. I lived in an ego world filled with narcissism, fake news, fake reality, blindness, and numbness. I put on my blinders and mask every day and rolled with it for years. I learned along the way that I was also a control freak. I learned this was a coping mechanism and about feeling safe. However, it did not provide safety, it made things worse. I lived as a broken little girl filled with self-doubt, unworthiness, shame, and guilt all those years. I lived in my past trauma and my past stories. I had unresolved emotional hurts, so I became a workaholic to help me get through the days.

In my past personal life, I had failed in every relationship. Or at least that is how I perceived it. Since I was a workaholic, I made little time for family and friends. I woke up every day feeling stressed and pressured to do more. I was constantly on the computer working on side projects and trying to create the next thing for myself. I was tired. I was unfulfilled. I drank, ate, shopped, and watched movies to keep myself busy and make it all go away. I thought I was chasing the dream. I had done it for years and knew no better. I constantly compared and critiqued myself. My presentation to the world looked very happy and balanced, and I had it all. Inside, I felt like crap. I had been in the entertainment industry for years too. I realized that was my outlet to be free all those years. Thank God for music and dance. They really saved my life. I was able to cope and exist within dysfunctional relationships for many years. I lived with stress and constant anxiety, but I did not know it at the time. My days were filled with making myself busy. I was disconnected from the world and people and had no idea It could be different. My typical nights were filled with drinking wine, hammering away on the computer, and saying a quick hello to my then-boyfriend.  I vividly recall a particular night when I stood up, took a sip, and in my head questioned the universe by saying, “This can’t be it. I wonder what is gonna happen next”. I wanted life to be different. I wanted to feel better.

Well, the following season in life arrived, and it stormed hard. My sister got cancer; then I got cancer, then my boyfriend and I ended our relationship, then my mom got cancer, then my mom died, then my stepmom died, then covid happened, then I lost all my jobs, then my aunt died. Within that storm is when it all started drastically shifting. I went from living out my broken little girl syndrome to living the most blissful life. This change of season lasted five years. This teacher got schooled big time by the universe. It was the most beautiful, ugly, messy, hopeless, hopeful, sad, loving, fearful, fearless, happy, angry, and uplifting free fall I had ever experienced. 

So what happened? My only explanation is that I witnessed a deep exploration of the human metamorphosis process. I am still here, and probably for a good reason. Looking back now, I can’t believe I lived the way I did for so long.  I did not know how to allow the beautiful human process to take place healthily. I was filled with past unresolved traumas, a belief system that did not serve me well, and eventually, it translated into a chronic disease. It also translated into a chronic disease for the women in my family. It made me question everything. Why and how was this happening?

I decided to heal myself naturally. I stood up and said to the universe, “ Whatever I have to do to be better, lay it on me. I will do whatever it takes, show me the way”. That is when the storm turned into a category five life hurricane. I am deeply humbled by what I observed and experienced. I felt like Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. I found my way home. Instead of trying to buy a home, I was guided to look within, where home exists. Within that single lesson remains many other lessons I learned along the way down my yellow brick road. Nowadays, I enjoy the rain and storms and realize the universe is speaking, so I pay close attention. 

As I reflect and tapestry together all that happened, it all makes sense nowadays. It was like I was trying to put together a puzzle and had missing pieces. I found the pieces, and now it looks complete. I feel complete. Life is bittersweet. I now chase sunrises and sunsets. I have daily self-care rituals. I am currently a professional emotion feeler and releaser. I cry happy tears. I feel good about myself. I have purpose and clarity. I enjoy and trust the process of life. I am a fulfilled human being. I meditate daily and am guided by my moms and the universe. I feel part of the whole and oneness. I love to observe and soak up all the universe shows me daily. I love to connect with people and learn about them and their journeys. I take time to smell the flowers daily and am so happy to be alive in this human experience. I was shown that anything and everything is possible. I jumped into the deep ocean and swam to its depths, and was able to make it back to the surface. 

The beauty I witnessed within the storm was so profound that I have to share it. My intention now is to support others In their own transitional experiences, to be a light, to be sunshine, and to infuse happiness into the world. I have walked the walk, and I survived and thrived. I am cancer free, a joyful human being, and I look forward to each day.  It’s about feeling good, being healthy,  enjoying life, and having the power to create the most delicious life you can dream of. I hope to create portals to express all I continue to experience and help lift others along the way. I think there are many ways to live life. Like a garden, we plant seeds, need water to sustain ourselves, bask in the sunshine and fresh air, and flourish into beauty if we take care of ourselves. We can mimic natural universal processes, which are our best teachers. I feel purpose. I feel love. I know we are all doing our best, and hopefully, we can have fun together in this lifetime—cheers to living, loving, doing, and being what we desire.

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